América Latina |
Roy Armes
Third World Film Making and the West
Berkeley, University of California Press, 1987. |
Imruh Bakari y Mbye Cham (Eds.)
African Experiences of Cinema
London, BFI, 1996. |
M. Diawara
African Cinema. Politics and Culture
Bloomington & Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 1992. |
Alberto Elena
El cine del Tercer Mundo. Diccionario de Realizadores
Madrid, Turfán, 1993. |
Alberto Elena
Los cines periféricos (África, Oriente medio e India)
Barcelona, Paidos, 1999. |
Teshome Gabriel
Third Cinema in the Third World
Ann Arbor, MI, UMI Research Press, 1982. |
Deepankar Mukhopadhyay
The Maverick Maestro, Mrinal Sen
Nueva Delhi, INDUS, 1995. |
Jimes Pines and Paul Willemen (Eds.)
Questions of Third Cinema
London, British Film Institute, 1994. |
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